I've heard people lament that the amazingly skilled and impossibly perfect Pinterest posts often make the viewer feel inadequate, but I tend to look at the beautiful pictures and see #craftgoals. I may not ever get as good as the people on Pinterest, but I'll never even improve my own skills if I don't try.
I was excited to have the opportunity to make these Easter cookies for my mother-in-law. She gave me very few specifics for what she wanted in terms of cookie shapes and colors, so I was able to be creative and try out some new Pinterest techniques!

I think this is my favorite cookie of this batch. It was so tricky to get those pin-prick dots in between the lines without a super-narrow piping tip, but it'll be that much easier when I do finally buy a size 0 or size 00 tip (hopefully soon!)
Another technique I wanted to try was the basket-weave pattern. I've been researching this method for a few weeks now, and what better opportunity to practice it than an Easter basket? For my first attempt, I think it came out pretty good. I also have a pretty good idea as to how I can improve it next time! I'm not so sure about the pink bunny, though... those blank white eyes just kind of stare into your soul... ugh.
And finally, this is the cookie that wins the "Least Satisfied but Still Looks Pretty Good" award. These little flowers were also a new technique, and while I learned quite a lot, I can't quite look past the flaws on this one. I'm eager to try again soon.
(Also, I'm noticing that this pic has my bare fingers touching the cookie, which is not typical for me. My policy is to use food-grade gloves as seen in the pics above when handling cookies.)
This batch also contained some tulips and bunnies, but I restrained myself and stuck with a single type of pattern/decoration on those.
Happy Easter, everyone!
And as they were frightened and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen. Remember how he told you, while he was still in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and on the third day rise.” Luke 24:5-7